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How to find a Will online and why registering your Will at Willfinda should be done today!

Has a loved one recently passed away and you can't find their Will? This is an all too common problem.

If the person’s Will is not at home, then the most likely place it will be is at a firm of Solicitors. But which one? We at Willfinda take away the time, effort and cost of contacting what could be 100’s of law firms, we do it all for you. Of course we start by checking our own database to see if your loved one has registered the location of their Will with us. So search today!

What about your Will? Do your loved ones know where it is? Will they know where to look for it after your death? If your Will can’t be found all your worldly goods could end up as one of the significant number of unclaimed estates each year. This can be a disaster, wishes such as if you want to be buried or cremated and who will inherit from your Estate are unlikely to be carried out.

Find a Will with Willfinda

Document & Certificate Service

We offer a service where we can provide a range of documents and certificates. We can quickly supply any of the documents found below: Birth Certificate, Death Certificate, Marriage Certificate, Divorce – Decree Absolute,
Probate, Apostille & Embassy Legalisation or a Medallion Guarantee.

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Will Check & Store Service

Any Will with an incorrect signature is seen as invalid. This causes distress and confusion during a very difficult time for a family. With our Will and Check Service nothing is left to chance. Our legal department will check to ensure your Will is valid and provide safe and secure storage for future use.

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